
Friday, October 29, 2010

Hadis Riwayat Assayaikhani & Tirmidzi

Tidakklah seorang mukmin di timpa
penyakit, bencana dan kesedihan
sehingga berdukacita kecuali
 Allah menghapuskan dosa-dosanya

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Allah xkn m'beri ujian kpd hambanya sekiranya hambanya tidak mampu menanggungnya..
Ujian aku dh samapi..
minggu ni week yg sdih utk aku..
ini baru cbaran kcik..nabi dlu lg berat cabarannya cmpare ngn aku..
salah aku pun..
aku xtw lgi nxt sem mcm mane..
penat ubt hati & perasaan lg pnt dri study
time is the best healer,they say...
ibu always suport aku,tpi boyfren x, girlfren x
kenapa org lain rase dia btul,tpi aku salah??
kenapa bila dia buat xsalah, bila aku buat salah??
biarlah..ape nk jadi,jadi la...
biar Allah yg decide ape aku buat btul @ salah
bukn manusia yg kurang serba serbi

Monday, October 25, 2010

people,hear this!!

Dis is my first time making blog..Y i do it?simple reason:to make my heart at ease.
i use to have diary...stil use it til now, but feel like wanna make a blog..
maybe,just mayb others can read+fel wat my heart wana tell and share and giving opinion on da best way to help me OR,mayb others can start thinking bout their environment,self,and wat is the best 4 them to continue their everyday life..